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Order Now Odia Book Prachya Paschatya Kabyatatwa By Dr. Sudhira Chandra Mohanty From OdishaShop

Literary discussion is an impossible task. It is also a difficult task. Eastern and Western literary scholars have been trying since ancient times to establish the standards of literary judgment.Analyzing the depths and complexities of astrology or ornaments, Bharat, Anandavardhana, Abhinavagupta, Rajasekhara, Kuntak Mammatadi, and Plato-Aristotle-Ledger-Ledger-Ledger-Lantzen.The publicity of literature has been determined by emphasizing the literary interest of the ever-enlightened reader in the field of literary judgment by determining the natural juvenile-vision officer as a buddha reader or sympathizer.The great culmination of poetry has been achieved and its trend has been unbroken and continuous.

Book Details

Book Title Prachya Paschatya Kabyatatwa(ପ୍ରାଚ୍ୟ ପାଶ୍ଚାତ୍ୟ କାବ୍ୟତତ୍ତ୍ୱ)
No of Pages 320
Binding Type Paperback
Author Dr. Sudhir Chandra Mohanty
Editor NA
Publisher A.K. Mishra Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Language Odia
ISBN 978-93-82550-77-8
Publication 2016
Edition 1st Edition
Book Dimention Packaging approx in cm – 15x22x1
Printing Repro India Ltd. Mumbai
Layout Design NA
Assembly required NA
Warning Nothing

Additional information

Weight 0.38 kg


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