Lalitgiri, Ratangiri

90 km from Bhubaneswar and 60 km from Cuttack, Sites of a Buddhist monastic Complex belonging to 7th century A.D. These three hills (along with Udayagiri) comprise a remarkable Buddhist complex. Hieun-T’sang, the Chinese pilgrim found it to be the seat of a flourishing Buddhist University called “Puspagiri”. Extensive ruins of brick pagodas, sculptured stone portals and esoteric Buddhist images testifying its ancient glory have been unearthed. Ratnagiri is the gem of this complex. The magnificently carved doorjambs of the Vihar and superbly finished Buddha images from perhaps the greatest concentration of Buddhist sculpture of the post-Gupta period. Ratnagiri is 70 kms, Lalitgiri is 55 kms and Udayagiri is 60 kms from Cuttack.

Communication: – By road from Bhubaneswar.