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Odia Barnabodha Sachitra is a book that aims to teach the Odia language in a pictorial way. The book has 36 pages and is available in paperback binding. The author of the book is Adyashakti Mohapatra, and the editor is Debraj Kalasi. The publisher of the book is Bookmate Publisher, and it is written in the Odia language.


The book is designed to teach Odia alphabets through pictures, making it easier for children to learn the language. It has colorful illustrations of animals, fruits, and vegetables, with the corresponding alphabet written next to it. The book also includes some simple words and sentences to help learners practice their reading and writing skills.


The packaging dimensions of the book are approximately 15x22x3 cm, and the printing is done by Laxmi Scan Graphic Services in Bhubaneswar. The book does not have an ISBN number or a specific edition or publication date mentioned.


Overall, Odia Barnabodha Sachitra is a beginner’s guide to learning the Odia language in a fun and interactive way. It is an ideal book for young children who are starting to learn Odia or for anyone who wants to brush up on their basic language skills.


Book Details

Book Title Odia Barnabodha Sachitra(ଓଡିଆ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣବୋଧ ସଚିତ୍ର)
No of Pages 36
Binding Type Paperback
Author Adyashakti Mohapatra
Editor Debraj Kalasi
Publisher Bookmate Publisher
Language Odia
Publication NA
Edition NA
Book Dimention Packaging approx in cm – 15x22x1
Printing Laxmi Scan Graphic
Assembly required NA
Warning Nothing

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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