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Order Now Odia Book Nishidha Pruthibi(Nisidha Pruthibi/Nishiddha Pruthibi) By Dr. Pratibha Ray From Odisha Shop.


“Nisidha Pruthibi” or “Nishiddha Pruthibi” is a novel in Odia language, written by Dr. Pratibha Ray. The book was first published in 1978 and has gone through various editions, the latest being the 9th edition published in 2019 by Adya Prakashani.


The book is about the struggle of the indigenous people of Odisha against the exploitation and oppression by the outsiders, particularly the British colonialists. It tells the story of a tribal girl named Jharana who rebels against the unjust system and becomes a leader of the resistance movement.


The novel is set in the 19th century in the forested hills and plains of Odisha, which was then known as Orissa. The British rulers had established their rule over the region after defeating the local kings and subduing the revolts of the tribal people. The indigenous people, who had their own culture, language, and traditions, were forced to give up their land, forests, and resources for the benefit of the outsiders. They were also subjected to various forms of violence, exploitation, and discrimination.


Jharana, who belongs to the Kondh tribe, witnesses the atrocities committed by the British and their agents on her people. She sees the forests being destroyed, the streams being polluted, and the sacred sites being desecrated. She also sees her own people being dispossessed, enslaved, and abused. She decides to take a stand and fight for their rights and dignity.


With the help of some like-minded friends and allies, Jharana organizes the tribal people into a resistance movement. They use their knowledge of the terrain, their skills in hunting and gathering, and their courage and determination to confront the British and their collaborators. They sabotage the colonial projects, attack the police and army posts, and disrupt the supply lines. They also spread awareness among the masses about their rights, their culture, and their identity.


The novel portrays the rich culture and traditions of the tribal people of Odisha, their close relationship with nature, and their resilience and wisdom in the face of adversity. It also exposes the greed, arrogance, and cruelty of the colonial powers, who saw the indigenous people as mere obstacles to their economic and political interests.


Overall, “Nisidha Pruthibi” is a powerful and inspiring novel that highlights the struggle for justice and freedom of the tribal people of Odisha and their heroic resistance against the colonial oppression.


Book Details

Book Title Nisidha Pruthibi/Nishiddha Pruthibi(ନିଷିଦ୍ଧ ପୃଥିବୀ)
No of Pages 140
Binding Type Hard Cover
Author Dr. Pratibha Ray
Editor NA
Publisher Adya Prakashani
Language Odia
ISBN 978-81-908545-0-13
Publication 1978-2019
Edition 1st Edition-9th Edition
Book Dimention Packaging approx in cm – 14x22x1
Printing Duduli Process and Offset, Cuttack
Layout Design NA
Assembly required NA
Warning Nothing

Additional information

Weight 0.372 kg


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