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Order Now Odia Book Paramanu Boma By Prof. Gokulananda Mohapatra From Odisha Shop


No one will deny that nuclear science is one of the most complex studies in the world of science.From 1938, on the day the German chemist Autohan discovered his historic ‘uranium division’, a new atomic age began on earth, the partial foundation of which was laid by the British scientist Rutherford.Since then, nuclear science has taken a new path. In the course of this new era took the form of a lethal weapon, which in horror surpassed all other weapons on earth. That weapon is an atomic bomb. Many weapons have given victory to many warlords around the world at different times.But no nuclear weapon like the atomic bomb has changed the history of the world.


If the atomic bomb had not been invented, the history of the world may not have taken its current form. Its form could have taken on a different shape.We need to know something about this terrible weapon of history. This book is written to let our common people know about this atomic bomb.In this book, all the information, from atomic to atomic energy, is given in very simple language. Everything from the making and testing of the atomic bomb to the shocking application has been given in this book. The horrific devastation caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima,the details of it can not be shed without tears in the eyes of anyone who reads it.


Atomic bombs were first started by German scientists; But the question of why they didn’t succeed in, it will come to everyone’s mind. German is very good at caste science, yet why did they lag behind? Read this book to find the right answer to this question. In addition to atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, megaton bombs, neutron bombs are given in very simple language in this book. This book gives a detailed discussion of what fifty megaton means by a hundred megaton bomb, what it means, and how these are more powerful than nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs. Not everyone knows that fifty and a hundred megaton bombs are not ordinary hydrogen bombs. Readers will find out by reading this book that these are the combination of three types of bombs at once.


Book Details

Book Title Paramanu Boma(ପରମାଣୁ ବୋମା)
No of Pages 80
Binding Type Paperback
Author Gokulananda Mohapatra
Editor NA
Publisher Vidyapuri
Language Odia
Publication 1985-2017
Edition 1st Edition-5th Edition
Book Dimention Packaging approx in cm – 15x22x1
Printing Parama  Printers, Cuttack
Layout Design Vidyashree DTP Center, Cuttack
Assembly required NA
Warning Nothing

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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