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Order Now Odia Book Matimatal(Matimatala / Mati Matala) By Gopinath Mohanty From Odisha Shop.


MATI MATALA, novel by Gopinath Mohanty, received the Jnanpith Award for the year 1973. It is an epic in prose dealing with the life in the obscure villages in Orissa. It is profoundly optimistic and proclaims a march forward to a bright destination ignoring all that are base and vile in life. It describes the physical and spiritual transformation of two villages, Phulashara and Pateli, through the efforts of the villagers who display a rare community spirit. Rabi, a graduate, resists the temptation of a secure Government job and returns to his village to dedicate himself to the task of social reconstruction. What at first seemed a lone struggle in a hostile land becomes a people’s movement when others in the village join him.


It is a crusade against all forms of exploitaion, segregation and casteism. The villagers undertake collective farming, employ advanced methods of agriculture and in all this men and women work together in perfect comradeship. The subtle romantic attachment between Rabi and Chabi adds a kind of emotional poignancy to the plot. The language is as simple and unpretentious as the rural scenario.


Book Details

Book Title Matimatala(ମାଟିମଟାଳ)
No of Pages 932
Binding Type Hard Cover
Author Gopinath Mohanty
Editor NA
Publisher Vidyapuri
Language Odia
ISBN 81-7411-680-X
Publication 1964-2015
Edition 1st Edition8th Edition
Book Dimention Packaging approx in cm – 15x22x3
Printing Sangeeta Printers, Cuttack
Layout Design Bidyashree DTP Center, Cuttack
Assembly required NA
Warning Nothing

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Weight 1.078 kg

1 review for Odia Book Matimatal By Gopinath Mohanty From OdishaShop

  1. Raman

    Great book by Gopinath Mohanty.. truely speechless..
    Thanks OdishaShop team for timely delivery..

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