Order Now Odia Book Tarpana Tatwa Dr. Santanu Kumar Ratha From OdishaShop
The reforms that take place from the mother’s womb to the cemetery are carried out by one’s parents and other mothers.But after the death of that person, all the deeds from the funeral to the shrine are performed by the ancestral deeds of that person.Not only that, every day the sons are obliged to perform the morning tarpa, the tarpa and the universal deity. Those who have parents should pay homage.Now a days only Ashwina is worshiped on the black side or patriarchy. All of this is done only for patriarchal purposes. So in today’s declining society, many people consider it useless.But they forget that their current situation is only the result of their parents’ difficult life journey. Not only the parents, but also the five gods, the gods,the dragons, the snakes, the deer, the deities, the deities,for we have been able to live on this earth. We Shouldn’t be grateful for our ancestors? That is why many people do not understand the importance of tarpaulin and no other brothers are doing it for him.Others just worship Shraddha and offer sacrifices. So it is gradually an insult to our perfect tradition.So it’s also not fair to ignore the busy schedule. Since it is a routine, no features will be displayed.Otherwise we will all be guilty or ungrateful. In such a bizarre social situation we can do whatever we want.
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